The most serviceable choice for colorful events, Relax Collection…
Relax Collection is produced with 92% polyester and 8% elastane fabric, weighing 230 gr/m2. In addition to being the most colorful and vivid collection in event textile, Relax Collection provides ease of use. Its special fabric build allows applicability to tables and chairs of all dimensions. Especially preferred for celebrations and corporate events, Relax Collection adapts comfortably to all ambiances, earning its name...
Onyx, Onyx Window, Onyx Cover, Gala and Sedu Round Feet models in stretch bar table cloth; Onyx and Gala models in stretch table cloth; Universal Stretch, Universal Aphrodite and Galata models in chair cover; Standard model in stretch birebank table cloth are available. All models and products can be produced in all sizes; branded, embroidered and all over printed. Designable with comfy, cat-feather, zen and swimsuit texture options.